Unusual silence!

Well - all I can say is that I've been holding a watching brief since the last General election. Watching the man who won the seat I wanted, watching our MP's who have Ministerial positions. Feeling excited, wary, upset, cautious and ambitious - in equal measure. My immediate reaction to coming second was "Never again" - but, heck, I miss the cut and thrust of politics and I'm arrogant enough to think I have experience to offer - so I'm up for it again!!!

Saturday 15 August 2009

End of my day off!

Well, for once I'm managing to both cook and eat a meal at a normal time, without any new e-mails, phone calls or texts! I suppose I should be worried but, hey, it's Saturday and I've been seeing old friends and catching up - wonderful!
It has been fun to build this blog from scratch and, although a professional would have done something slick, it's a family affair as my daughter took my pictures for me. It needs more work though.
Tomorrow begins a new week and lots of contacts to make with South Norfolk people who are full of ideas for campaigns that matter to them.

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A family photo

A family photo
Sun shining!

Who am I and what's this all about?

Hi - I am a Liberal Democrat, was a Liberal - will always be in this party, warts and all. Lots of us have staggered since the General Election as some compromises are hard to take but, in the end, my beliefs are exactly those of my Party and therefore --- I'm here for the duration (mine that is!!)