Unusual silence!

Well - all I can say is that I've been holding a watching brief since the last General election. Watching the man who won the seat I wanted, watching our MP's who have Ministerial positions. Feeling excited, wary, upset, cautious and ambitious - in equal measure. My immediate reaction to coming second was "Never again" - but, heck, I miss the cut and thrust of politics and I'm arrogant enough to think I have experience to offer - so I'm up for it again!!!

Sunday 20 December 2009

What a waste

A curious time of year, Christmas, a sense of suspended animation and anticipation all wrapped up in one.
This year, sensible people held their breath in anticipation as world leaders met to discuss the issues surrounding climate change and I can't be alone in my feeling of acute disappointment about the chance that they missed. Such a wasted opportunity! I feel a sense of embarrassment for all those of us who call ourselves politicians and who can't put our differences to one side in the interests of what is literally an Earth shattering cause. Whatever the individual deals done, the fact that they are not legally enforceable agreements weakens them immeasureably. As the head of my family now, I could weep for my children and grandchildren!!
There is some light at the end of the tunnel however - on Tuesday I met a senior politician - not a Liberal Democrat but respected by us - who will continue the fight to reduce the UK's carbon footprint and waste of resources - so long as there are good public servants - whatever their political colour - there is hope for the future!

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish my readers a very happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year - after the year we've just endured, we all deserve it!


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A family photo

A family photo
Sun shining!

Who am I and what's this all about?

Hi - I am a Liberal Democrat, was a Liberal - will always be in this party, warts and all. Lots of us have staggered since the General Election as some compromises are hard to take but, in the end, my beliefs are exactly those of my Party and therefore --- I'm here for the duration (mine that is!!)